Eleven60-Why Us?

Why eleven60?

Eleven60 offers modern living with all of midtown Memphis' distinct charm.  These beautiful homes offer updated interiors with features like hardwood floors and granite counter tops.  As you step outside, you will find yourself in a charming court yard with space to store your bike. Modern artworks create an elegant and peaceful atmosphere for work or just to relax.


Come Find Yourself

In Midtown, just steps from downtown, Eleven60 is within biking distance of the medical district, downtown area, schools and much more.


Live Near The Edge And Medical District

Memphis is on the forefront of modern medicine, bringing hope of a brighter, healthier tomorrow for us all. Some of Eleven60's neighbors include:

· Southern College of Optometry
· Le Bonheur Children's Hospital
· Regional One Health
· Memphis Behavioral Health Center
· VA Memphis
· Baptist College of Health Sciences
· UT Health Science Center
· College of Pharmacy
· St. Jude's Hospital

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Exceptional Value

Eleven60 offers modern living with all of Midtown Memphis' distinct charm. These beautiful homes offer updated interiors with features like hardwood floors and granite counter tops. As you step outside, you will find yourself in a charming courtyard with space to store your bike. Modern artworks create an elegant and peaceful atmosphere for work or just to relax.

Modern Living

Modern urban finishes to suit any lifestyle are one of the many great advantages of living at Eleven60.